E24: Matthew Fisher


Brought up in a family steeped in geology, Matthew Fisher’s early interactions with quarries, dinosaur fossils, and sediment lines imparted a unique understanding of time. This childhood insight fostered a deep love for timeworn materials like stone, a love that shines through in his work today.

Originally trained as a ballet dancer, Matthew’s career took an unexpected turn after a career-ending injury. After enrolling in an Egyptian Art and Architecture course by chance, he developed an interest that soon expanded to include Roman art and architecture. With his design process deeply rooted in the study of ancient cultures, Matthew skillfully distills modern designs, creating pieces that exude an ambiguity of time and place.

His work has caught the attention of esteemed publications like Galerie, Surface, and T Magazine, and has been showcased in the Noguchi Museum's group exhibition “On the Verge”. Join us today as we delve into the fascinating creative process of Matthew Fisher!


E25: Modellus Novus


E23: Garland deGraffenried